Episode 49: Dr Benjamin Natelson - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Dr Benjamin Natelson, professor of neurology and director of the Pain and Fatigue Study Centre at Mount Sinai, has been leading studies into ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia for many years. When the pandemic began he actually pre-empted the NIH in applying for funding to study the likely long term implications of SARS COV-2. He tried to get ahead of the tsunami of chronic illness.  Whilst the NIH were slow to listen, he has subsequently been successful in securing extensive funding, turning his knowledge of chronic fatigue to studies into the now established condition of Long Covid.

Over a career of 55 years, his interest in the immunological and infectious causes of fatigue, has led him to be one of the world’s leading experts in chronic fatigue syndrome which places him perfectly to study Long Covid.

In a wide ranging discussion, Dr Natelson guides us through his studies and ideas, looking at the implications of sleep, exercise, chemical sensitivity and stress, as well as the vagus nerve, and the need to listen to the patient.

The more people we speak to, the more various themes keep recurring- across specialties, across different manifestations of Long Covid.  Let’s keep working together to bring this research to the fore and aim for better outcomes for those affected.

In the episode Dr. Natelson references the Scottish Long Covid study which can be found here. He and his team are currently running multiple studies into chronic fatigue, alongside several into Long Covid and are looking for patients (within 50 miles of New York).  To take part, please contact his lab or 001-212-844-6665.


Episode 50: Ziyad Al-Aly – Clinical Epidemiologist


Episode 48: Harry Leeming – founder of Visible